Rough Stuff Fellowship Archives Book

Rough Stuff Fellowship Archives Book

from $51.00

We got a few of these gorgeously printed photo books, both volumes of Rough Stuff Fellowship Archives. If you’re not familiar, RSF is a British cycling club that’s existed since the 1950s, known for going on really far-out adventures and taking an incredible volume of high quality film photos on their escapades across Europe. The photos span from the 50s through the 80s, from trips all over Europe. Highlights include all manner of hike-a-biking through snow, across rivers and along narrow cliff edges; fantastic ponchos and wool getups, teapots and tobacco pipes, Alpine vistas, and cute senior couples on tandems. We can’t get enough.

There are two volumes; we bought the first when it came out and thought volume 2 (“Further Adventures in Rough Stuff”) might be redundant but no, it turns out to be even spicier than the first. Get both; if you buy one you’ll find yourself yearning for more rough stuff.

Both books are bound in a softback, full color, about 200 pages. We’ve stocked the second edition of Vol. 1. The photos are complemented with journal excerpts and ride reports for context. They’re pricey keepsakes—we had to take into account shipping from the UK and import duties—but also, priceless.

Just a few are available online; we’ve reserved stock for our physical store. So if we’re out here, come see us in person.

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